Proverb 2:10

“for wisdom will come into your heart, 
and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul;”

Wisdom, then is this thing that grants you understanding as you search for righteousness. 

As the verse points out, for it will come into your heart to allow you to discern the righteousness and justice alluded to in verse 9.

Again, the search must be active. A steady course of action on the part of the seeker.

In all the years I’ve called myself a “writer”, I have never felt more like one as I have in the past four days when I took on the challenge to write 500 words per day. Previously, I would sporadically tap out a few words here or there, when I felt “inspired”.

What I’ve learned over the last few days is the art of discipline. I must get up and write regardless of any other circumstance. If I want to find truth, I must be disciplined to get up and actively seek it today, and tomorrow, until I form a habit of it and may call myself a seeker.

Then, Wisdom will come into your heart. Knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.


Not many words carry a connotation like pleasant. It’s one of those words you want to roll around in our mouth before articulating it’s sweet syllables. Pleasant.

The soul craves knowledge and understanding deeply. It can wind up overly crazed in the search to find it. But it will find rest when it stumbles across bits and pieces of truth that link together to form a greater understanding. And it will be pleasant to the soul as knowledge links the pieces of truth together like a puzzle, to form a beautiful picture.