Proverb 3: 15

“She is more precious than rubies,
And all the things you may desire cannot compare with her.”

Who is “she”?

Remember our lady from the eighth chapter of our beloved Proverbs? The one depicted in the opening poem, who “cries out” and “lifts up her voice” in verse one to disclose a powerful message to a passing people: “get wisdom!”

She was possessed by the Lord before His works of old (8:22)

She is the one who, in the beginning, was brought forth before the mountains were settled (8:25)

She stood beside our creator as a master craftsman when he “drew a circle on the face of the deep” (8:27) and “marked out the foundations of the earth (8:29).

She beckons those who have an attentive ear with her call to righteousness. And when we respond with a humble hunger for her instruction, we find ourselves satisfied; content with her nourishing words. We walk taller and prouder, confident with the beauty we display, dressed in her fine jewels. Prudence, understanding, truth, righteousness, knowledge and discretion adorn our necks like charms of a necklace. They are charms of achievement; milestone awards. Rubies don’t compare. They are to the hearers what quarter-machine jewelry is to an eager lady the day she is finally asked to become a bride: junk. They have no value once you’ve seen a jewel of real worth!

What are your deepest desires this day? Here are some popular answers to that question: health, children, marriage, wealth, a job, an education, transportation, beauty, talent, electronics, weight loss….theses lists are never-ending. 

But wisdom and understanding? When you find her none of these things will matter any longer. Because she satisfies entirely. She aches to be found by the seekers from 3:13 and she is rooting for you to find her! She is begging you, calling from the corner of the busiest crosstreets in your hometown, pleading that you find her.

Will you seek her out? Call to her and she will call back. Listen for her desperate voice.