Proverb 3:30

“Do not strive with a man without cause,
If he has done you no harm.”

It’s pretty clear from the verse today that we are not to “strive” with one another. If you cross reference the verse with Romans 12:18, you’ll find that it more specifically depends on you to keep that peace with other men. That is to say, when you’re being prompted by another to enter into battle with them and engage in an argument or fight, or any kind of dispute. Ignore the invitation. 

The varying definitions for the word “strive” are interesting. On one hand, you have the sense of the word which is being used here in 3:30: “struggle or fight vigorously.” Not just fight, but fight vigorously. Exude your energy toward your goal.

Which goes along with the other sense of the word, which is to “make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.” Isn’t that what we do when we quarrel with one  another? We make  great efforts to ‘win’. or to convince the other person of their fault in the matter. Before we know it, we don’t even remember why we’re arguing in the first place or what our disagreement was even about. 

Don’t expend your energies on these types of exchanges. Take the advice from Romans and live peaceably with your fellow men. Learn to object to the enemy and reject the temptations to stand your ground and puff up pride by putting people in their place. There’s no place for this kind of living in the wise man’s life. He is to rather, live peaceably. Leave the striving to another type of victory—victory over strife with others.