Proverb 3:25
“Do not be afraid of sudden terror,
Nor of trouble from the wicked when it comes;”
When it comes. You will be struck with sudden terror and trouble from the wicked. You won’t escape it.
You are prone to expend your energies searching for a way to prevent these atrocities. Set your sights instead on your provider who will give you the patience to endure these times and preserve your path of righteousness.
When we are told, “do not be afraid,” there is no question in the command. No “if” and no “but”. There’s no exception to lean on fear in any given circumstance. You have what it takes to withstand and endure anything on this earth without caving to fear. Start leaning on Him by stepping out in faith into fearful territories, in remembrance of your duty to be courageous.
And instead of hiding from the wicked and shunning their presence, welcome them with the confidence that your King emits and who distributes the very power you need to sustain their attacks with purity, humility and love.
Don’t give in to what the world says you must do when trouble and terror come. Stand on the Truths in this passage. Do not succumb to fear or cave into temptations when you are troubled by the wicked.