Proverb 2:6
“For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;”
The source of knowledge and understanding is the Lord (a vital clue in our crazy, exciting hunt for the hidden treasure). All that we seek; all that we crave can be found in the depths of his being. And as we search, the commands we store as treasures will gain in value. Our voices may grow hoarse as we call out but they will never be lost. Our search will not be in vain.
Because the very things we seek are beheld in the hands of the maker. And He is generous; and he is not choosy with his recipients. He delves out wisdom to ALL who merely request it (Jas. 1:5). A reverent fear of Him and his ways produces knowledge (Prov. 1:7). All that we care to understand is there for the taking in the palms of his holy hands.
Today, all we have to do is risk touching our fingertips to his and anticipate the transaction; the transfer of the all-encompasing knowledge and understanding from his hands to ours.
But as we learned in the previous passage, we must be proactive. He doesn’t disperse the treasures like winter rains amongst the people. They are treated like hidden treasures that we must actively seek out and find.