Proverb 1:33
“but whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease,
without dread of disaster.”
The inner voice of Wisdom is our shelter, our safety; the underground cellar that protects us from violent shifting winds above ground. The security and ease she offers is in stark contrast to the tumult and strain we encounter on our own.
It is well understood that a tornado will develop when high and low pressures collide. The damage and havoc wrecked upon its victims, we know can be devastating. But something of worth can also develop from those precise conditions; indelible imprints to be seared on the hearts of the affected. Their stories of hope, humanity, love and relief will shine like a lodestar in the midst of what some will view as complete darkness.
I have come to personally realize that when high and low pressures collide, and we experience simultaneous swells of despair and hope, we are in the best shape for impacting the world around us. We craftsmen produce some of our best work.
Upon that realization, I’ve found myself wanting to learn to control the pressures so that I can produce the right enviornment for the collision to occur. I realized, though, that I have to learn to leave that to the One who truely can manipulate the winds. And to trust Him when he does.