Proverb 1:15

“My son, do not walk in the way with them;
hold back your foot from their paths”

It is clear from the first part of this proverb that we are not to walk in the way of sinners. Does that mean that we can’t have friends who are sinners? Is it suggesting that we can only surround ourselves with Jesus-seeking, bible-reading, church-goers?

Of course not! How then would we ever be the salt and light that we are called to be? The bible is clear about two things: one, that we are all sinners and have fallen short of his glory (i.e. this verse is as much of a warning against our associations with Jesus-seekers, bible-readers and church-goers as others); and two, that we are to love one another as ourselves, suggesting the necessity of community amongst us (i.e. should we choose not to hang out with sinners we would all become isolated loners). 

I believe this proverb does, however, suggest that we cannot assume the sinful nature of our friends. It’s a fine line we tread when we expose ourselves to the sin of other sinners.

In the latter half of the Proverb, we see something interesting: two parts of one body in total conflict.

“Hold back” your foot, it tells us. The imagery suggests our feet have a liking for the sinner’s trail. It suggests that even while the rest of me wants to resist the lure of the dark path, my feet will attempt to stride ahead without me. And if I let them go, it won’t be long before the rest of me will follow. It’s as if this verse is telling us we have to physically restrain our feet from treading the unrighteous path, they are naturally drawn to. 

If we don’t want to find ourselves brushing shoulders with sinners (or more accurately, their sin) as the scripture commands, we must actively and consciously hold ourselves back. It will not happen naturally. 

If we leave it to chance, we will find ourselves on the very path we are instructed to avoid, every single time. 

This Proverb is not about who we can and can’t hang out with. It’s about recognizing that we are all sinners. And that sin, like any other trait or mannerism you pick up from a friend is contagious. If we’re friends, you should help me overcome my sin, not assume it as your own. Likewise, I should return the favor.

Bottom line?

We are not to walk in the way of sinners, but we can most certainly walk with them.